Results of a pilot study by Peter Weiss-Penzias (UCSC), Dan Deeds (USBR), Belle Zheng (UCSC), and Tarabryn Grismer (UCSC) looking at the spatial patterns of THg in four lichen species growing in the vicinity of Lake Berryessa.
Fog and Rain observations in Santa Cruz, California
Collecting throughfall precipitation in a redwood forest at UC Santa Cruz
170712 UCSC
Fog collector came on at 12:00am last night and turned off at 10:00am this morning. The sample was collected the this morning at 9:30 am and refrigerated. The collector was cleaned with soap and water, dried, then a blank was taken at 12:00pm. The sample and blank were acidified and refrigerated at 2:30pm. Today’s fog sample was a less gritty than yesterday’s.
170711 UCSC
Fog collector came on at 11:20pm last night and turned off at 10:34am this morning. The sample was collected the this morning at 9:20 am and refrigerated. The collector was cleaned with soap and water, dried, then a blank was taken at 12:00pm. The sample and blank were acidified and refrigerated at 12:30pm. Today’s fog sample was a bit gritty.
170710 UCSC
170705 UCSC
The fog collector came on at 9:52pm last night and turned off at 9:28am this morning. The sample was collected at 10:40 am. 75mL of sample was collected. The collect was rinsed with soap and water, dried then a blank was taken at 12:30 pm.
170703 UCSC
170702 UCSC
170630 UCSC
Fog collector came on at 9:39am and stopped at 9:40am. No sample was collected. Collector was cleaned with soap, water, and dried. No blank was taken.
170629 UCSC
Fog collector came on at 11:00pm and deactivated 9:32am. 125mL of fog water was collected at 10:30am. The collector was cleaned with soap and water, then dried, then, a blank was taken at 11:00am. The sample and blank were acidified and refrigerated an hour later.