Climate Action Solutions Business Incubator Award

The Weiss Lab at UC Santa Cruz was awarded a grant to develop products and a marketplace for fog water harvesting.

Learn about our projects through this video.

Dr. Peter Weiss and his students explain their accomplishments from the summer of 2023 where they built a Large Fog Collector and a Fog Tree at the UCSC Farm. Their end of the fog season celebration called Fog Fest was celebrated in October of 2023.

The Fog Garden

We have collected 46 gallons of water since Jun 15 (61 days). It’s only 0.11 L/m2/d, far below the threshold for a fog supersite (~1 L/m2/d). Santa Cruz is in a partial fog shadow due to the southerly exposure to the ocean. Northwest is the best. Despite the reduced liquid water content of the air, we have collected enough water to make a meaningful difference in the growing of our vegetable garden.